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Furnace Maintenance in Hudson, WI

Keep Your Furnace Running Flawlessly Whenever You Need It

Nothing is worse than watching temperatures slowly drop, trying to turn on your furnace, and realizing that it isn’t working. Whether the damage is recent or from the previous year, the goal of regular furnace maintenance in Hudson, WI is to prevent situations where your furnace unexpectedly doesn’t work. At Hurlburt Heating, AC, & Plumbing, we want to make sure our neighbors have reliable access to heat in their homes. Not only is a broken heat source a recipe for a cold and uncomfortable night, but it can also be dangerous if temperatures are cold enough. Avoid shivering through the night by having our team set up regular maintenance inspections for your furnace today!

What Is Furnace Maintenance?

Simply put, furnace maintenance is a set of regular appointments where our technicians look specifically for signs of damage to your furnace. This can be done yearly, every six months, or even quarterly. And while furnace maintenance isn’t the time when larger repairs are fully taken care of, it is the perfect time for quick tune-ups, cleaning the filters, and making note of any larger repairs that need to be scheduled in order for your furnace to work effectively for the winter. 

Why Is Regular Furnace Maintenance So Important? 

If furnace maintenance sounds like a glorified warranty program, you might be hesitant to the idea of getting a plan set up. But, unlike warranties, where the only benefit comes after something has gone wrong, furnace maintenance programs are proactively helpful! There are countless benefits to having a regularly scheduled maintenance appointment. Here are just a few to consider:

Maintain Manufacturer’s Warranty

When you or the previous homeowner purchased your home’s furnace, it is likely that the furnace came with a manufacturer’s warranty. The length of this warranty varies from furnace to furnace, and there is oftentimes even an option to extend it. However, the warranty also typically comes with some stipulations. One of these stipulations is almost always that you have to have your furnace regularly maintained by an HVAC professional. Without doing so, you risk voiding your warranty, meaning when it comes time to get your furnace repaired, the manufacturer might not be obligated to cover the cost of the repair.

Decrease The Risk Of Larger Damage

More often than not, large damage to your furnace doesn’t start large. Oftentimes, it starts out as a small repair need that slowly grows and grows until it is unavoidable. And while there are times where your furnace just one day decides to call it quits, we believe that regular inspection and maintenance of your furnace can allow our team to catch the damage while it is small and prevent it from ever growing past an unmanageable threshold. The goal of furnace maintenance is to catch small problems early to lower the chance of large damage, saving you money and heartache in the long run. 

Increase Energy Savings

Because the goal of furnace maintenance is to find and address damage while the need is still relatively small, one result is that your furnace stays relatively well-maintained and therefore remains efficient for longer. This increased efficiency can have a direct impact on your energy bill savings. When your furnace isn’t having to fight hard to keep your home at your desired temperature, then it isn’t having to run as long, which means it is consuming less energy. Ultimately, this can lead to a lowered energy bill month to month. 

Peace of Mind

Finally, one of the best benefits of having a regular maintenance plan for your furnace is simply the peace of mind knowing that your furnace is in good hands. When your furnace is regularly inspected, you aren’t constantly worrying if that sound you just heard was your furnace breaking down. When an HVAC technician is regularly coming out to your home to inspect your furnace, you’re able to ask all of your questions and be reassured that there isn’t hidden damage to your furnace. And if damage is there, then it is quickly found and repaired with a maintenance plan! This peace of mind can help ensure that your winter season isn’t filled with fear—just a home filled with warmth. 

How Often Should My Furnace Be Inspected?

Ultimately, this decision is up to you! While we would absolutely recommend getting your furnace inspected at least once a year, the frequency of these visits can be determined by you and your furnace’s level of need. If you have a brand new furnace that has been showing no sign of damage, it might be smart to have an inspection set up right before the temperatures drop to make sure it’s still in good condition from last year. If your furnace is older, more frequent inspections might ensure the furnace makes it to—or even outlives—its expected lifespan. Whatever you decide, Hurlburt is always here to give 110% to each and every job we do.

Give Hurlburt A Call To Get A Maintenance Plan Set Up Today

With decades of experience honing our skills and serving our community, Hurlburt is dedicated to ensuring our neighbors have immediate and reliable access to heat. Our professionals have spent their lives becoming experts in the field and can take care of all your HVAC, plumbing, and electrical needs with ease and expertise. Want to see what it’s like to work with a professional that cares? Give our team a call today and we can get started immediately.

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