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Furnace Installation in St Paul Park, MN

Throughout winter, it’s far from uncommon for temperatures to plummet below 10.4°F in St. Paul Park, and they tend to remain around there until spring rolls around again. Because of this, it naturally makes something like a reliable furnace way more of a necessity than simply a luxury. 

Having said that, it’s fairly common for our HVAC experts to report many of the homes in St. Paul Park that we service have aging furnaces, but despite that, they seem to opt for our repair services rather than simply installing a brand new furnace – regardless of how old and worn down their current furnace is.

We’re also looking to give you the most affordable option here at Hurlburt, so if we happen to notice that the more cost-effective option for you is to upgrade your furnace rather than opting for our repair services, we can install one within your home quickly so that you’re staying toasty this winter.

When Should I Install a New Furnace?

You’ll likely struggle quite heavily if you’re trying to work out by yourself whether you’re better off with a new furnace or if you should just make repairs – a lot of the more blatant issues, from insufficient heating or weird noises to your furnace just outright refusing to start, are easy enough to spot, but it’s way more difficult to diagnose something like a corroded heat exchanger unless you’re aware of what you should be looking for.

It goes without saying that nobody really wants to spend massive sums of money shelling out on a fancy new furnace when the ostensibly cheaper option is to slap a band-aid on whatever the issue is and make simple repairs. It’s fairly understandable why you might think it is, but the cheapest solution here is definitely not avoiding installing a new furnace – the reality is that you’re constantly going to need more and more repairs as your furnace begins to age, especially if it’s already between 15 and 20 years old.

If your furnace is in that age category, it’s more than likely that wear and tear isn’t going to be avoided by making basic repairs repeatedly, and by doing so, you’re ignoring some of the underlying issues that will just keep requiring more expensive repairs each time – not to mention that your utility bills will also be far higher since your inefficient furnace is using a lot more energy than it should be (while still not being able to keep your home sufficiently heated!)

In St. Paul Park specifically, a lot of these wear and tear problems only get worse by some of the local surroundings and all-round fluctuating climate. For instance, with the Mississippi River being just seconds away from St. Paul Park, the high humidity stemming from it during the summer can, over time, cause your furnace’s heat exchange to become corroded – subsequently posing a huge threat of carbon monoxide leaks which can become fatal unless the part is replaced.

Aside from this, whether it’s because of Lions Levee Park or the huge wooded area around Riverside Park, many of the nature areas in St. Paul Park, while beautiful, can result in excessively high allergen and pollen levels that will slowly clog your furnace’s air filters and make it function inefficiently.

So, if the sum of all the repairs your furnace is going to need is beginning to creep out of your budget, I’d definitely suggest that you don’t take the easy option of making short-term repairs and to bite the bullet with our expert furnace installation services instead. We’re more than happy to give you a hand figuring out which is the most cost-effective option for your furnace, so if you require more assistance, give us a call today at (715) 317-5648.

What Are the Benefits of Replacing My Furnace?

Rather than constantly choosing furnace repairs, install a new furnace so that it’s:

How to Choose a New Furnace

Every single home that we service across Minnesota has different requirements that determines what the best heating system is for them:


Our HVAC professionals will help you determine which of these heating systems is more suitable for your home:


So that we’re able to deduce which heating system is best for your home, we’ll send one of our technicians over to gather details such as:

Book An Expert Furnace Installation Today

Whether you need basic furnace maintenance or our installation services, we are proud to be serving our neighbors throughout St. Paul Park. We’re familiar with all of the common issues that go with the wear and tear on these units.

It would definitely be the more proactive approach to schedule our services throughout fall or summer when you’re not using your furnace too much, but don’t worry if you weren’t able to – we provide repairs all year round, too, so either way, you’ll not be left freezing this winter.

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