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Furnace Installation in Oak Park Heights, MN

Temperatures regularly drop to around 5°F during the winter months in Oak Park Heights, it doesn’t usually start getting warm again until we’re back in March or later into spring. As a result, a furnace that works reliably is no longer a luxury and becomes a necessity if you’re planning on staying warm this winter.

With that in mind, many of our HVAC technicians notice that the majority of customers we provide services for tend to choose our furnace repair services instead of just upgrading their furnace altogether – despite the fact that they’ve got an aging furnace and it’s worn down with general wear and tear.

We’d also rather you chose the more cost-effective option out of the two here at Hurlburt, so if our HVAC experts determine that the more affordable option is to upgrade your furnace instead of continuously choosing our repair services, we’ll be able to have one installed in your home promptly so that you can stay warm all winter long.

When Should I Install a New Furnace?

More often than not, you’ll have a hard time identifying whether you’re better off upgrading your current furnace or just making a few simple repairs. Naturally, it’s pretty easy to spot some of the more common issues such as insufficient heating or strange banging sounds – even just your furnace refusing to turn on. What’s not so easy to diagnose, however, are issues like your furnace’s heat exchanger becoming corroded; that’s not so easy to identify unless you know exactly what you’re looking for.

We definitely understand that nobody wants to break the bank and shell out on an expensive new furnace when they believe the more affordable solution would be to cut corners and make some easy repairs. A great deal of our customers are under the impression that upgrading their furnace is either unnecessary or just way too expensive – what is actually expensive, though, is continuously going down the repair route even when your furnace is already between 15 and 20 years old.

If you do have an aging furnace like this, wear and tear unfortunately isn’t going anywhere. In fact, it’s only going to become more exacerbated over time and will require more and more expensive fixes in order to get it up and running again – that’s not even considering the heightened cost of utility bills you’ll face as a result of your furnace running inefficiently, while still not even keeping your house as toasty as you need it to be.

Throughout Oak Park Heights in particular, many of these kinds of wear and tear issues will only become more serious because of the lush surroundings and general weather fluctuations. For example, the St. Croix River being just next door to Oak Park Heights can result in excessively high humidity levels throughout summer before it’s frozen over during winter. As a result, this can contribute heavily to your furnace’s heat exchanger becoming corroded – something that can result in fatal carbon monoxide leaks if you don’t replace the parts and see that familiar blue flame again when using your furnace.

Furthermore, with Highway 95 and Highway 36 running directly through the middle of Oak Park Heights, traffic related pollution can be particularly high in this region – if this infiltrates your home, it’ll end up clogging your furnace’s air filters and cause it to run far less efficiently and will cost you more in utility bills.

So, if all the various repairs your furnace needs in order to function properly has crept outside of your budget, your best bet is to avoid making short-term repairs and instead choosing our furnace installation services. If you need some assistance figuring out which of the two would be a more cost-effective option, we’ll be happy to give you a hand – get in touch today by calling 651-571-8513.

What Are the Benefits of Replacing My Furnace?

Instead of continuously opting for expensive furnace repairs, upgrade your furnace so that it’s:

How to Choose a New Furnace

We generally consider a several different requirements when we’re determining which heating system is most appropriate for your specific home:


Our team of HVAC experts at Hurlburt are able to install and fit a wide range of different heating systems:


In order to see what the most appropriate heating system is for your specific home, one of our technicians will come to your home to measure things like:

Book An Expert Furnace Installation Today

From installation to our furnace maintenance services our team of HVAC professionals are proud to be servicing furnaces in the Oak Park Heights region, so give us a call today to get your furnace back in top condition!

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