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Furnace Installation in Mahtomedi, MN

With the temperatures dropping as low as 3.2°F throughout January in Mahtomedi and usually remaining that way until March rolls around, Mahtomedi is generally one of the colder cities within all of Minnesota – as such, it makes it all the more important that you’ve got a heating system or furnace that you know is going to perform optimally all season long. With that in mind, it’s actually quite common for our HVAC experts to report our customers preferring to choose furnace repairs instead of just simply upgrading to a brand new one – even though the one that they’re currently using is likely not going to survive for much longer.

At Hurlburt, it’s our aim to give you what we believe is the most affordable option, so if our team recognize that it’s most likely going to be less cost-effective for you to make repairs than it would be to install a new heating system altogether, we’ll have no problem setting that up for you.

When Should I Install a New Furnace?

There’s a pretty high likelihood of you struggling if you’re attempting to work out whether you need furnace repairs or just a new furnace altogether – naturally, some of the more obvious signs, whether it’s cold spots in your home or banging sounds, are going to be easier to spot, but when it comes to diagnosing whether your furnace’s heat exchanger is corroded or not you’re not going to find it so easy unless you’ve got a clear idea what you’re looking for.

It goes without saying that if you could avoid having to dump thousands of dollars into brand new heating systems, then you would – especially when from a short-term perspective it seems like it’s going to be way more affordable to make a bunch of repairs without ever actually addressing the core issues instead. 

We reckon that the majority of our customers tend to think this way because they believe it’ll be far more costly for them to purchase and install a new furnace than to, as mentioned, keep going down that repair route – in reality, though, this only becomes a more time consuming and expensive task as repairs become so much more frequent once your furnace is between 15-20 years old.

Ultimately, wear and tear with your furnace is not something you’re always going to be able to avoid (which is the case with all heating systems), so a great deal of the issues that you’re choosing to get repaired each time are only going to come back as they continue to deteriorate over time – this isn’t even considering how costly your utility bills will be as your furnace running improperly means that it’ll use more energy than necessary to heat your home (even then it’ll be doing that at a poor rate!).

Additionally, it’s worth mentioning how the particular climate and nature areas that surround Mahtomedi unfortunately play a role in accelerating issues with your furnace, too. While the White Bear Lake looks gorgeous throughout winter when it’s completely frozen over, the high humidity that it generates throughout summer can cause excessive issues with your furnace over time.

The main issue with this is that high humidity, once it creeps into your furnace, will start to corrode your furnace’s heat exchanger over time, which is something that might end up releasing carbon monoxide leaks into your home when you don’t address it quickly. Furthermore, with all the allergen and pollen stemming from Katherine Abbott Park and other nature areas throughout Mahtomedi, your furnace’s air filters are also at risk of getting clogged and causing the whole system to work inefficiently.

So, if our HVAC professionals take a look at your home and decide that furnace repairs are going to be way more expensive than opting for a new furnace, don’t hesitate to check out our furnace installation services instead. If you’re still struggling to identify what the more cost-effective option is going to be for your home, we’re always available to give you a hand – contact the team at Hurlburt now by calling us at 651-571-8513.

What Are the Benefits of Replacing My Furnace?

Take advantage of the following when upgrading your furnace:

How to Choose a New Furnace

There are quite a few different requirements that we look at when deciding the right heating system for you:



Book An Expert Furnace Installation Today

Whether you’re looking for our furnace repair and maintenance services or you want to install a new furnace altogether, the expert HVAC professionals here at Hurlburt are proud to be working in the Mahtomedi region – we’ve seen everything that can go wrong with a furnace, so get in touch with our team today to get it back in pristine condition!

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