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Furnace Maintenance in Altoona, WI

Regularly Scheduled Furnace Maintenance Program

With schedules as chaotic as ever, it can be difficult to find the time to give your home and its appliances the care and attention it needs. From mowing the yard to the incessant laundry, it seems as though it is an ever-pressing list of needs that grows larger and larger each day. Unfortunately this can lead to some things in your home being overlooked—and those things tend to be the unseen workhorses of the house, such as your furnace. 

Throughout the winter, your furnace works diligently to make sure you and your family are kept warm and comfortable all season long. Without that dedicated performance, not only would your home be uncomfortable, but it could also become dangerous! This is just one reason why, at Hurlburt, we believe one of the best things you can do for your home and your family is to set up a regularly scheduled furnace maintenance appointment in Altoona, WI. Not only will scheduling a regular appointment take the burden off of you to try to find a time to make the inspection work, it also will make sure that your furnace is ready whenever you need to use it. Want to learn more about furnace maintenance programs? Reach out today and we can walk you through your options. 

What Is A Furnace Maintenance Program? 

At its core, a furnace maintenance program is simply a proactive approach to keeping your furnace healthy. Think of it like a yearly wellness exam! While you aren’t necessarily sick when you go in for your wellness exam, the doctor still tries to find signs that there might be an unknown illness and helps make sure you are healthy for the year ahead of you! The same thing is true with a furnace maintenance appointment. You won’t ever set one up in response to damage, but our technicians will try to find signs of damage and will do some general maintenance to make sure the unit is ready for the season ahead. 

Why Shouldn’t I Just Get Repairs As Needed? 

One great question we often get when talking about maintenance programs is “Why don’t I just wait until I need a repair to schedule an appointment?” While we understand the idea behind this question, we want you to know that repairs and maintenance are two separate things! Repairs are reactive to damage that occurs, while maintenance proactively tries to prevent that damage. So why should you schedule maintenance instead of waiting until you actually need a repair? Because it can prevent large damage in the first place! Instead of waiting until your furnace is damaged and then scheduling a potentially costly repair, you can have your furnace inspected and catch signs of damage that can be mitigated before they require extensive work. 

Other Benefits Of Regular Furnace Maintenance

That isn’t the only benefit to maintenance programs. There are many other things that a maintenance program can give you. Take a look at the list below:

Save On Your Electric Bill

One of the best benefits of regular maintenance is that you could potentially be saving money on your electric bill. When your furnace has hidden damage, the likelihood that your furnace is having to work harder to heat your home skyrockets. This means that your furnace is probably running longer and cycling more frequently. When this happens, you can count on your electric bill being higher than you normally see it. With a furnace maintenance program, even the smallest signs of damage are spotted and corrected, meaning your furnace is able to run at peak efficiency year after year. 

Maintain Your Manufacturer’s Warranty

If you’ve recently purchased a new furnace there is a good chance you were offered a warranty, if the unit didn’t already come with one. Even if you’ve had your furnace for a few years, manufacturers tend to offer extended warranties that can last up to 5 or even 7 years. And while those warranties typically guarantee that your manufacturer will cover the cost of any repairs or replacements needed in that time frame, there are also usually stipulations that accompany the warranty. One of these stipulations is usually that you have to have your furnace regularly maintained by an HVAC professional. Companies will do this to help them ensure that your furnace doesn’t need repair because of neglect or user error. So if you want to make sure that the warranty you paid for will actually cover repairs, then make sure you start scheduling maintenance appointments as soon as the furnace is in your home!

Fully Heating Your Home

As we mentioned earlier, a damaged furnace is typically incapable of heating your home fully. Instead, you might find you have rooms that are noticeably colder than the surrounding areas. You might even find cold spots littered randomly throughout your house. This is almost always a side effect of your furnace harboring some damage. With a furnace maintenance program, you won’t have to worry about throwing on a coat before going into that back bedroom because you know how cold it will be back there! Instead, you will be able to trust that your furnace is fully able to keep the entirety of your home warm, making your winter season infinitely more comfortable. 

Peace of Mind

It can be hard being responsible for so many things! Keeping everything in working order is taxing and requires a lot of mental energy. So instead of adding to that worry by constantly wondering if your furnace is seconds away from giving out, schedule a furnace maintenance plan and you can rest knowing that a licensed professional is worrying about that for you. The peace of mind that comes from knowing your furnace has recently been looked at by a professional is one of the best feelings in the world!

The Team To Call Has Been Serving Your Community For Decades

At Hurlburt, you aren’t just another number. You are our neighbors, and we care deeply for our neighbors. When you want to set up a maintenance plan for your furnace in Altoona, WI, give us a call and we can get one seat up for you today!

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