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Furnace Installation in Chippewa Falls, WI

Expert Furnace Installation When You Need It Most

Gearing up for winter can mean many different things to many different people. Whether that means stock piling firewood, purchasing shelf-stable essentials in case of a bad winter storm, or reinforcing soft spots in your roof, at Hurlburt, we know that preparing for winter should also include making sure your furnace is ready for the drop in temperatures! That can look different depending on your furnace. 

If the unit is overall pretty healthy, you might just want to schedule a quick maintenance appointment to make sure it’s ready to kick it up a notch. If you noticed your furnace slowing down a little towards the end of last winter, it’s probably good for you to schedule a repair appointment to make sure there is no damage left unresolved. And finally, if your furnace is on its last leg of life, you might want to consider replacing the unit before temperatures regularly drop below zero. Whatever your furnace needs are, remember the Hurlburt Heating, AC, & Plumbing team is here for your every need. From maintenance to installation, we’ve seen and done it all, and we’ve done it well. 

How Do I Know When It’s Time To Replace My Furnace?

It can be hard to find that sweet spot of when to replace your furnace. Replace it too early and you’ve cut short the life that the furnace still had in it. Replace it too late and you’re looking at sitting in the cold while you wait for a new furnace to be delivered and installed. So how can you know when it’s time to replace your furnace? Well, apart from the furnace completely dying, there are a few signs you can watch for to help you determine when the smartest time to replace your unit is. Take a look:

Your Electricity Bill Has Unexpectedly Increased

For months that you are running your furnace, it is normal to see an increase in your electricity bill. However, you should be able to notice a trend or pattern in relation to how much your bill rises. After you’ve lived through a Wisconsin winter, you should be able to tell if your winter energy bill is typical. If you’ve started to notice that you are paying more and more each month, there is a chance that your furnace is to blame. While there are many potential culprits in your home, a furnace can use up a significant amount of energy on its way out. From having to run longer and more frequently to just not using the energy it brings in effectively, there will likely be a noticeable increase in your energy bill as your furnace starts dying out.

Strange Smells and Sounds Occur While The Furnace Is On

Another sure sign that something is wrong with your furnace is strange smells and sounds coming from the unit while it runs. After a couple of days of your furnace running, it’s likely that you will grow used to the soft hum while it works. Once you are used to that sound, anything abnormal tends to stand out dramatically. From screeching and whirring to grinding and banging, any sound that doesn’t match the soft hum should be inspected in detail. The same thing goes for strange smells. While there always seems to be a momentary smell when you turn on your furnace for the first time of the season, that smell shouldn’t linger. If it is still around more than a few minutes after you turn it on for the first time, you should call out the professionals. This is also true if you notice a strange smell at any other point while your furnace is running. 

The Unit Is Nearing The End Of Its Expected Lifespan

While I’m sure we all wish our appliances would last for as long as we need them, that just isn’t the case. At most, furnaces tend to last around 15-25 years—and that’s if they are well taken care of. If you’ve started to notice signs that your furnace isn’t performing as well as it once did, then consider figuring out how old it is. If it is nearing that upper level of age, there is a world where the best option for repairing your furnace is simply replacing it. This is also true if you notice you’ve had to schedule more repairs than normal for your furnace. As the unit approaches the end of its lifespan, it will likely encounter more and more issues, damages, and repair needs. If you’ve found yourself calling for repairs and inspections for your older furnace more than you ever have before, then you likely want to consider what it would look like to go ahead and replace the unit.

This list is by no means comprehensive. There are countless ways that your furnace can start showing signs that it is no longer functioning the way that it should. If you want an expert opinion on whether or not your furnace can last another season, then go ahead and give Hurlburt a call today! We can walk you through your options, recommend the best course of action, and expertly repair or replace your unit. With decades of experience and a team that cares deeply about their community, we promise you won’t find a better company to work with. Reach out today and we can help you prepare for winter!

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