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Furnace Installation in Lakeland, MN

Come January, temperatures can easily drop below 5°F throughout the day in Lakeland and will generally stay that way until the start of March, so this obviously makes reliable heating far more of a necessity than just a luxury. With that in mind, our HVAC technicians notice that many of our customers have fairly old furnaces in their homes yet still look to make repairs instead of just outright installing a new heating system – even if their furnace is clearly on its last legs.

At Hurlburt, we’d always rather give you to most cost-effective option, so if our HVAC technicians determine that it’ll actually be a lot more affordable for you simply upgrade your current furnace instead of making constant repairs, we’ll be able to install a new one in your house promptly so that you’re keeping warm this winter.

When Should I Install a New Furnace?

It’s generally not so easy to figure out whether you’re be better with a new furnace by yourself, because while some of the more obvious issues like banging noises and insufficient heating are clear enough signs that you’ve got a problem, it’s harder to notice something more dangerous like a corroded heat exchanger unless you know what you’re looking for.

Obviously, nobody is particularly fond of spending huge amounts of money on a brand new furnace when it’s easier and cheaper in the short-term to just paper over the cracks with quick repairs. The majority of customers we speak to have the impression that it’s actually way more expensive to install a new furnace – in reality, though, it’s going to cost you far more to insist on repairing it every single time (this is especially true if you’ve got an aging furnace between 15-20 years old.

More often than not, wear and tear will have become unavoidable with these older furnaces, which naturally means the underlying issues with it are only going to get worse as time goes on – needless to say that it results in higher utility bills, too, since furnaces that work inefficiently generally tend to use way more energy than is necessary (while still not sufficiently heating your home!).

Specifically in Lakeland, those wear and tear issues are only further exacerbated by some of the damage caused by the weather or nature areas. For example, Lakeland is just a stone’s throw away from the St. Croix River, and during summer, this causes the humidity levels to be excessively high throughout the city.

Not only is this kind of thing uncomfortable to live in but high humidity can actually corrode your furnace’s heat exchanger over time, and this can cause carbon monoxide leaks which can be fatal if you don’t replace the heat exchanger and see that blue flame again when firing up your furnace. Aside from this, with Highway 94 and Highway 95 running straight through Lakeland, all the excess traffic pollution can end up clogging your furnace’s air filters and can cause it to run improperly, also.

So, if the total cost for all the furnace repairs we need to make are starting to creep higher than your budget, I’d definitely suggest that you opt for our furnace installation services instead. If you need more assistance determining what the most affordable option is for your furnace, we’d be happy to help you out – just give our team a call today at 651-571-8513.

What Are the Benefits of Replacing My Furnace?

Instead of continuously opting for furnace repairs, you can upgrade your furnace so that it is:

How to Choose a New Furnace

It’s not always as easy as simply installing the same kind of heating system in every house that we service here in Minnesota:


We’ll help you figure which of the following heating systems is most appropriate for your home:


Again, there’s not really a one size fits all option when it comes to installing a furnace in your home since there are so many variables to consider. Fortunately, of team of HVAC professionals will come to your home beforehand so we gather some valuable information that will help us inform you what your best options are, including things such as:

Book An Expert Furnace Installation in Lakeland Today

From fresh installation jobs to scheduled furnace maintenance our HVAC experts have been servicing furnaces for over 65 years at this point, so we know exactly how to deal with Lakeland-specific issues at this point.

So that you’re not stuck in winter without reliable heating at all times, I’d suggest booking an appointment – from maintenance and repairs to new installations – during summer or fall to stay on the safe side. Don’t worry if you weren’t particularly proactive, though, as we also provide 24/7 emergency repairs should you need them.

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