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Family Owned & Operated — Since 1959

Furnace Repair in Menomonie, WI

Decades Of Experience Serving Our Community

Since 1959, Hurlburt Heating, AC, & Plumbing has dedicated itself to the betterment of the Menomonie community. We know just how important access to reliable heat for our homes is, especially in the middle of winter. With typically high temperatures in the winter only reaching up to around 20-30 degrees, it is crucial that your furnace is working properly. Not having a properly working furnace won’t just mean you are at risk of being uncomfortable, it can also mean you are at risk for serious health issues.

Even a single night without heat can be disastrous for some people. That is why we are so committed to serving our community, day or night, whenever a need arises. Have an emergency furnace need? Don’t ever hesitate to reach out to our team, regardless of the time. We will be there for you when you need us, not when it’s most convenient for us. We have hundreds of clients who can back up our claims, so you don’t just have to take our word for it. Reach out today and we can get you scheduled for furnace repair as soon as possible. 

What Is The Difference Between Furnace Repair and Furnace Maintenance?

At Hurlburt, we offer both furnace repair and furnace maintenance for our neighbors in Menomonie, WI. We think both services are critical to the overall functioning of your home. But sometimes there can be confusion on how the two differ. In short, furnace repair is reactive, meaning it only happens once something in your furnace has already broken. When you notice damage, you give us a call, and we come out to repair it. On the other hand is furnace maintenance. 

Furnace maintenance is proactive, meaning the service happens prior to damage occurring or being noticed. With furnace maintenance, you will have regularly scheduled service appointments that will accomplish two things. First, the appointment will start with an inspection for any signs of damage. These signs will be noted and, if needed, a repair will be scheduled. The second thing that the appointment will accomplish is a general tune-up. Whether there needs to be some cleanup around the unit, the filters need to be changed, or connections need to be tightened, your furnace will be ready to go after a maintenance appointment. Ultimately, the goal of a maintenance program is to prevent the need for furnace repair.

What Are Some Signs I Might Need Furnace Repair In Menomonie, WI

If you haven’t set up a furnace maintenance plan just yet, then you need to make sure you are keeping an eye out on your furnace to ensure it isn’t running while damaged. Here are a few signs it is good to watch out for to keep your furnace in top shape:

An Unexpectedly High Electric Bill

There is no question, there are multiple things in your home that can drastically increase your energy bill without warning. However, there should be a relative baseline that you can expect to pay each month for your electricity. Once you know this baseline, it should be clear when there is an appliance that is using more energy than normal. And while there are many potential culprits, during the winter months, you should definitely be suspicious of your furnace. It is common and expected to see an increase in your electric bill once winter months start requiring a more frequent use of your furnace. However, again, there should be an average amount that you can predict after you’ve made it through a winter or two. If there is an outlier that comes out of nowhere, it might be worth it to have your furnace inspected for signs of damage. This damage can force your furnace to work harder—burning more energy and costing you more money. Once repaired, your electrical costs should return back to normal. 

Cold Spots & Rooms Around Your Home

While walking from room to room, do you notice that some rooms are warmer than others? Is there a room that seems to always be cold, even if the rest of the house is warm? Or do you find there are smaller spots within rooms that are noticeably colder than the surrounding areas in the room? Take a look at the rooms and spots that seem to be cold. Can you find a natural cause for the occurrence? Is there a wall of windows or a drafty door that might explain the cold? If there isn’t an easily explainable cause, then there is a very likely chance that your furnace simply isn’t warming your home efficiently. Often, this is due to damage impacting its performance. Getting your furnace repaired can mean your home being fully warmed in its entirety. Don’t settle for a mostly warm home, have your furnace repaired today. 

Odd Sounds and Smells

It seems to be a universal experience—your furnace has been off for a few months, resting from its hard winter work, when suddenly, you feel the temperature start to drop. After adjusting your thermostat to heat, you hear the furnace turn on, and then it happens. That smell that so many people can recognize starts to come out into your home, accompanied by some warm air. That strange, slightly burning smell can be worrisome for a moment, but almost always, it goes away after a few minutes. While this situation is relatively normal, if that smell doesn’t go away, or it reappears each time the furnace switches on, it’s time to call out a professional. The same is true with sounds. If you notice strange sounds that you haven’t noticed before, there is a good chance you are dealing with some internal damage. 

By no means is this list comprehensive. If you ever notice anything even slightly amiss with your furnace, the best decision you can make is to call an HVAC professional you can trust. At Hurlburt, we would love to be that company for you. Give us a call today and we can get started on servicing your furnace immediately. 

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