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Plumbing Oak Park Heights, MN

Oak Park Heights gets as cold as 5°F in the winter and generally stays that way until mid spring, so contrast this with 86°F come July and it’s fairly easy to see how these fluctuations put strain on your plumbing systems.

You might only need something as simple as a leaky faucet in your house to be fixed, but even if it’s something more serious like a full system remodel, you can rely on our professional plumbing services at Hurlburt to get your systems fully functional again. Get in touch with us by calling (715) 317-5648 and we’ll have one of our plumbing experts come over and get it fixed in no time.

When Should I Get New Plumbing Installed?

For the most part, the majority of plumbing systems are built to last up to around 50 years before you even need to consider replacing them, and this is because most homes have plumbing infrastructure built with reliable materials such as brass or cast iron.

Still, although Oak Park Heights generally has fairly modern houses that were constructed in more recent times, there are still plenty of buildings – used for both businesses and homes – that can be considered as relatively historic. Because of this, though, the plumbing systems used in these homes are significantly less robust than the ones you’ll see in modern homes since they were constructed of galvanized steel.

So, although a lot of these older homes are beautiful, they’re painfully at risk of issues like corrosion and rust due to how icey it gets during winter in Oak Park Heights. Having said that, modern homes aren’t necessarily safe, either, as most standardized plumbing systems aren’t built to withstand temperatures way below freezing in the winter and then upwards of 86°F in summer.

Because of this, regardless of how old your plumbing systems are, we’d definitely recommend that you schedule regular maintenance checks with our plumbing experts so we can ensure that you’re not running the risk of pipe bursts or other serious problems.

Chances are, we might only discover that you need our drain cleaning services and nothing more severe, but you’ll be saving yourself potentially thousands of dollars if we spot anything more dangerous that could lead to structural damage to your home.

Advantages of Plumbing Maintenance

Here are just a few of the reasons why regular plumbing maintenance is so crucial in Oak Park Heights: 

Why You Might Need Our Plumbing Repair Services: Common Issues

Like most of the cities in Minnesota, your plumbing systems definitely have their work cut out for them in Oak Park Heights – here are some of the more frequent issues our plumbing experts notice while performing maintenance here:

Get Your Plumbing Checked Today

In order to give you an accurate estimation of how much our services are going to cost you, one of our expert plumbers will come over to conduct a full inspection of your current plumbing systems. This way, you’ll be able to know in advance whether or not any of the basic maintenance or repairs we need to make will actually fit in your budget.

Furthermore, if we discover from our maintenance check-ups that you’re in need of a few repairs, you’ll be given a completely free warranty on any of the repairs we make – whether that’s for simple water treatment solutions or sump pump system replacements – so you’ve got peace of mind knowing you’ll be fully covered if you run into any future problems. 

We’ve been at this for 65 years, so we definitely don’t expect there to be any issues once we’re finished, but your plumbing systems certainly don’t have it easy when you live in Oak Park Heights so you can never be certain.

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