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Furnace Repair in River Falls, WI

Make Sure Your House Is Warm For Winter

Year-round, it seems we always have busy schedules, and yet somehow the winter season always seems to get busier! That’s why it’s so important to try and take care of your furnace before the cold settles in. If you’re even slightly worried that your furnace might be in need of repair, go ahead and get that appointment scheduled asap! Don’t get trapped in the cycle of telling yourself you’ll do it next weekend or the first of next month. Before you know it, you could find yourself in the dead of winter with a furnace that won’t turn on. 

Don’t know who to call for furnace repair in River Falls, WI? Hurlburt Heating, AC, & Plumbing has been serving the community since 1959, and we don’t plan on slowing down anytime soon. With an extensive team of dedicated professionals, any need you have in your home we are confident we can take care of. Don’t waste any more time worrying about the issues you are facing. Give Hurlburt a call and we can take those worries away immediately. Reach out today and we can get started now. 

When Can I Repair Rather Than Replace My Furnace?

Owning a home inevitably means you are going to have to make decisions that you don’t necessarily know how to make just yet. At Hurlburt, our goal is always to be as transparent and informative as possible so that you can make the best decision for your home and your family. One common question we see a lot of clients struggle with is whether your furnace should be repaired or if you should go ahead and replace the unit as a whole. While the decision is ultimately up to you, there are a few things that you should consider when landing on your choice. 

First, consider how old the unit is. While furnaces can typically last anywhere between 15 and 20 years, once the unit hits the 10-year mark, if there are any significant damages that need massive repairs, you might consider replacing the unit instead. Similarly, if the unit is 10+ years old and needs frequent repairs, this might be another sign that replacement is a better option than continually repairing the unit. Finally, check and see if your furnace is raising your heating bill significantly more than it should be. If it is, in combination with the age of the unit and the frequency of repairs, it might be more cost-efficient in the long run to go ahead and replace the unit. However, in cases where the furnace is under 10 years old, then you are likely to be okay repairing the unit. 

How Can I Know It Is Time To Schedule Furnace Repair? 

It can be hard for someone who hasn’t spent their career dedicated to fully understanding heating systems to tell when their furnace isn’t working properly. As a homeowner, you want to try your best to notice things around your house that need to be repaired in order to ensure everything can function properly. That’s why we’ve created a list of a few things you can watch out for to help stay on top of whether or not your furnace might be damaged. Take a look, and if you notice any of these signs, give our team a call!

A Noticeable Increase in Electricity Bill

As mentioned earlier, a damaged furnace can often lead to an increased electric bill. When your furnace is damaged, it is typically unable to run at its peak efficiency. This means that it will likely have to run longer and harder to keep up with the demands of your home and maintain your desired temperature. When this happens, it uses up much more energy than normal which results in a raised electric bill. So while it might be normal to see a small increase in your bill when you start using your furnace for the season, anything that seems abnormally high might be a sign that the furnace needs help soon. 

Strange Odors and Sounds From The Unit

Does your furnace make a loud sound when it turns on? Or do you hear an odd whirring sound anytime the unit is running a cycle? While there is a wide range of odd sounds that might come from your furnace, anything other than the quiet hum that you normally hear should be cause for alarm. When you notice odd sounds coming from your furnace, it is highly likely that you have some furnace damage that needs to be taken care of. The same is true if you smell anything off while the furnace is running, especially if you smell burning or a gas smell. If you smell gas or smoke, turn off the furnace, exit the house immediately, and call the fire department. 

Cold Spots and Cold Rooms Around the House

If you feel random cold spots while walking through your house, this is another sign that your furnace isn’t functioning properly. Once your furnace is damaged, it can be harder for it to fully warm your home. This can result in cold spots and even entire rooms that are colder than the surrounding areas. 

Cold Air Blowing Through The Vents

Finally, try holding your hand in front of one of your vents. Does the air coming out feel warm or cold? Obviously, the temperature of the air should be warmer to help warm up your home. If you feel cold air, your furnace needs attention to begin working properly once more. Without expert care from an HVAC technician, your furnace will only get worse. 

Don’t ignore the signs that tell you your furnace needs repair! Letting the damage go unrepaired could lead to even worse damage and leave you with a much larger repair bill. Take care of damage the first time you notice it!

For A Team You Can Trust, Call Hurlburt Today

When you need expert furnace repair in River Falls, WI, know that you have a dedicated team waiting to help you out—any time of day or night. Just pick up the phone and give us a call and we can be there for you as soon as you need us. 

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