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When to Replace your Air Conditioner and Furnace

To repair or replace, that is the question that likely comes to mind whenever your heating or cooling system stops working like it should. Although repairing may be the most affordable solution now, it might not be the best choice over the long run. Below are some factors to consider. If you have any questions or just want to discuss your options, give us a call at 715-283-4422.

Fifty Percent Rule

When the cost of repairs approaches 50% of the value of your heating or cooling system, it’s generally time to replace the system.

Other Rules of Thumb

Even if needed repair costs aren’t quite as daunting as 50%, you might want to replace your system if it’s more than 12 years old or you’ve had a history of problems with it. Also, it might be worthwhile to take advantage of one of several opportunities:

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